Don’t you feel like you’re not in charge here? Rapé incense comes not when you plan it or express a specific intention. It appears when you need it without even realizing it. The right mix knocks on your space when you are about to meet face-to-face with yourself. Work on something you don’t even know is important. Knowledge and awareness comes after.
Veronika had problems with her partner. onstant arguments, criticism, everyday life that was overwhelming. . She blamed him for it. Of course. That’s the easiest way. Sadness and disappointment accumulated in her body, never expressed aloud. Even to herself.
Quiet days, living side by side despite sharing a bedroom. They were used to it being like this. They were stuck in hopelessness and lack of communication. Stillness, silence, coldness.
He was relieved to stare at the phone. She was trying to stay afloat by daily dose of Medicine, made in the woods or on the beach while walking.
When she ordered another package at ForcaFemina, she did not expect a small free gift. Three grams of Samauma, which has just entered the store’s assortment. She unwrapped the package brought by the red-haired postman at dawn, secretly from her partner. He didn’t like it when she does shamanic work. He disliked candles and the smell of burning sage. Did he like anything that gave her pleasure? She already didn’t care. She gave up too many times on herself to please him, and it didn’t work.
Samauma's new green and blue sticker caught her attention.
"I felt it was for you. But be careful, it's strong," she read on the note
She hesitated all day to greet Her. She felt respect and a state difficult to describe as if she was standing in front of a heavy door that she was about to finally open. The supplier's words were depressing.
She found the courage just before going to bed, on the terrace, from where she could hear the rustle of trees and the sounds of nocturnal animals coming out to feed.
Medicine gave her peace but also settled firmly in the spirit, body and mind. She felt strength in her legs as if her fingers had dug into the ground and gained strength
She heard movement in the room. Her partner was getting ready for bed. Reluctantly, she climbed under her (not shared) quilt and turned her back on him. As usual. But this time something changed. The discomfort of his presence haunted her. She didn't want him next to her. Take care of his emotions and changing moods every day. Trying to fix something that's long gone. he was tired of removing herself from the common space. She wanted to live. No matter how he reacts to it.
She turned and touched his back. A vision of the sun came to her, which, with the help of her hand, flowed down the man's back. She could feel the fire in her hands, which she poured onto his skin. It was strong and strange.
He turned around, surprised by her touch. The first words were reluctant and cold. But their honesty opened the dialogue. Painful, deep, painfully real. Necessary. She listened and then started talking. Words that she had never dared say before. Their sound, uttered in a whisper, expressed her feelings hidden for years. Samauma gave them a form, defined their meaning and clearly set the boundaries.
They talked until dawn, explaining the past and the bruises they were slowly taking out of their hearts through talk and tears. Veronica dared to receive Samauma once more. Openly, in front of his eyes, without fear of comments that did not appear. Whatever she's doing is wrong. This unexpected awareness brought a painful truth but also relief. So she will do whatever she likes and loves because his words no longer matter to her. They are always the same. Negative. No point in making your life dependent on them.
There was no reconciliation. Emptiness came, endearing and soothing. Rapé cleared everything to make the right decision.
At dawn Veronica went to the beach. Samauma accompanied her in a jacket pocket along with a labradorite-decorated kuripe. She felt freedom. Through the truth she had finally spoken, she felt the clean air in her lungs and the endless expanse like a beach with a distant horizon before her eyes. She took the kuripe out of her pocket. Another dose of Samauma confirmed the decision made at dawn. Now she was accompanied by the laughter of seagulls. Rapé wiped pain and hidden desires from her insides. It gave them the form of words that established a new order. It brought the courage to fight for herself.
Although each next step in the implementation of new resolutions was a step outside the comfort zone, Veronika pursued her goal, observing the courage and trust that was emerging in her. She felt fear, but she already knew that it was only her mind that wanted to turn her from the chosen path. When he messed with her head, Samauma brought back memories of the night conversation.
Before the bottle ran out, Veronika has already been free.
Dora Roslonska

Samauma’s new green and blue sticker caught her attention.
“I felt it was for you. But be careful, it’s strong,” she read on the note
She hesitated all day to greet Her. She felt respect and a state difficult to describe as if she was standing in front of a heavy door that she was about to finally open. The supplier’s words were depressing.
She found the courage just before going to bed, on the terrace, from where she could hear the rustle of trees and the sounds of nocturnal animals coming out to feed.
A fresh gust of Amazon dust filled her nostrils. Medicine brought peace but also settled firmly in the spirit, body and mind. She felt strength in her legs as if her fingers had dug into the ground and gained strength
She heard movement in the room. Her partner was getting ready for bed. Reluctantly, she climbed under her (not shared) quilt and turned her back on him. As usual. But this time something changed. The discomfort of his presence haunted her. She didn’t want him next to her. Take care of his emotions and changing moods every day. Trying to fix something that’s long gone. he was tired of removing herself from the common space. She wanted to live. No matter how he reacts to it.
She turned and touched his back. A vision of the sun came to her, which, with the help of her hand, flowed down the man’s back. She could feel the fire in her hands, which she poured onto his skin. It was strong and strange.
He turned around, surprised by her touch. The first words were reluctant and cold. But their honesty opened the dialogue. Painful, deep, painfully real. Necessary. She listened and then started talking. Words that she had never dared say before. Their sound, uttered in a whisper, expressed her feelings hidden for years. Samauma gave them a form, defined their meaning and clearly set the boundaries.
They talked until dawn, explaining the past and the bruises they were slowly taking out of their hearts through talk and tears. Veronica dared to receive Samauma once more. Openly, in front of his eyes, without fear of comments that did not appear. Whatever she’s doing is wrong. This unexpected awareness brought a painful truth but also relief. So she will do whatever she likes and loves because his words no longer matter to her. They are always the same. Negative. No point in making your life dependent on them.
There was no reconciliation. Emptiness came, endearing and soothing. Rapé cleared everything to make the right decision.
At dawn Veronica went to the beach. Samauma accompanied her in a jacket pocket along with a labradorite-decorated kuripe. She felt freedom. Through the truth she had finally spoken, she felt the clean air in her lungs and the endless expanse like a beach with a distant horizon before her eyes. She took the kuripe out of her pocket. Another dose of Samauma confirmed the decision made at dawn. Now she was accompanied by the laughter of seagulls. Rapé wiped pain and hidden desires from her insides. It gave them the form of words that established a new order. It brought the courage to fight for herself.
Although each next step in the implementation of new resolutions was a step outside the comfort zone, Veronika pursued her goal, observing the courage and trust that was emerging in her. She felt fear, but she already knew that it was only her mind that wanted to turn her from the chosen path. When he messed with her head, Samauma brought back memories of the night conversation.
Before the bottle ran out, Veronika has already been free.
Dora Roslonska