One day I asked if she really had so much to offer me. Inspiration,
health, insight into the essence of the unnamed. That she leads me to the level of the Watcher,
the indifferent sky, and then fills me with the fire of creation. After inhaling
Sanixa, I heard a clear voice within me: “Why do you doubt me?”
The first meeting with rapé incense was like a bolt from the blue. Breathlessness, the heart beating like a wake-up bell and the disintegration
of reality that brings fear and after a while trust in a new experience.
On soft legs I reached three birch trees. I sat underneath, snuggling into
the artificial, wolf skin that I wore like a vest and talisman.
– Shhh, all will be fine – I said to myself to calm down.
The uniqueness of the experience and touching something inside me that I had no access to before
made me fallen in love with rapé incense. She became my guide and,
above all, my friend.
I perceive rapé as the essence of the Elements. Nukini - Water calms and brings Wisdom. Leads in dreams untangling the illusion. Apuxuri is a meeting with the Ancestors. With them come answers. Força Femina is the power of femininity - the Earth that can stomp and bring the necessary anger to finally set boundaries. It restores the sense of my uniqueness and dignity. Finally, beloved Sanixi - Fox-tailed Fire, full of cunning and intelligence. The essence of creation.
During ceremonies, I arrange them as the four Elements, and the fifth Spirit, around the candle. They hold the space, guide, squeeze the hidden tears of patients, release emotions, open the heart. Even when the session takes place online. It always amuses me when I receive rapé for someone. The patient sneezes, tears, feels heat or shivers in her body, even though she has not touched the medicine. Magic.
But there is also another relationship. Personal, daily, friendly. Rapé taught me that she doesn’t need circus rituals. She likes simplicity, directness, without unnecessary fireworks. Close your eyes, inhale, calm for a while. Just this. Everything happens inside. You can then enter a crowded airport and nothing will touch you. You are immersed in the Forest and Wolves and Cougars will cope with the pressure of external stress and rush that is already behind you.
She likes to squat like a cat by my computer while I'm typing. She watches with squinted eyes the world that is being created under my fingers. New characters, intrigues and dangerous events.
- Why so? - I ask when a strange idea for a plot twist comes to mind.
Then Sanixi flexes her spine on the desk and brings inspiration. Sometimes she unlocks the confidence to write and not wonder what will happen in the next chapter. On her back, I continue in history, delighted and curious about what will happen next. Other times
she turns her fox tail into Heron wings and carries me higher to get a better perspective, a bigger picture.
- Come on - she whispers. - Look how cool it is.
Sometimes, years later, I return to the books I wrote. I catch unexpectedly a deeper meaning of sentences that were created earlier. I'm taking them on another level. This is due to the processes experienced, the wisdom discovered that appeared over time. Right after the book was released.
- Did you know? - I ask surprised rapé and she just squints her eyes satisfied.
I feel like I'm just a scribe. This is Sanixi and her friends from the Amazon tribe who whisper new stories in my ear. They rub against the calves and neck like wild animals and take me to the world of Imagination.
They are the hand of an invisible friend who is always there. Sometimes they take the form of an old woman who smacks her toothless lips to laugh at my fears. Sometimes they are the Beauty that brings Fire, thanks to which I bravely break down the door that has always been open. Other times, they help me to face sadness and heavy emotions by putting a warm blanket on my shoulders.
When I open a bottle of rapé, my fingers shiver. I warm her in my hands to awaken her Spirit. So much magic in such an inconspicuous form.
Recently my husband had a dream.
- I saw you in it, capping a bottle of rapé. Blue light was pouring out of it.
—Why so?- I was concerned. And you
answered calmly and confidently: - It’s meant to be.
Dora Rosłońska

I perceive rapé as the essence of the Elements. Nukini – Water calms and brings Wisdom. Leads in dreams untangling the illusion. Apuxuri is a meeting with the Ancestors. With them come answers. Força Femina is the power of femininity – the Earth that can stomp and bring the necessary anger to finally set boundaries. It restores the sense of my uniqueness and dignity. Finally, beloved Sanixi – Fox-tailed Fire, full of cunning and intelligence. The essence of creation.
During ceremonies, I arrange them as the four Elements, and the fifth Spirit, around the candle. They hold the space, guide, squeeze the hidden tears of patients, release emotions, open the heart. Even when the session takes place online. It always amuses me when I receive rapé for someone. The patient sneezes, tears, feels heat or shivers in her body, even though she has not touched the medicine. Magic.
But there is also another relationship. Personal, daily, friendly. Rapé taught me that she doesn’t need circus rituals. She likes simplicity, directness, without unnecessary fireworks. Close your eyes, inhale, calm for a while. Just this. Everything happens inside. You can then enter a crowded airport and nothing will touch you. You are immersed in the Forest and Wolves and Cougars will cope with the pressure of external stress and rush that is already behind you.
She likes to squat like a cat by my computer while I’m typing. She watches with squinted eyes the world that is being created under my fingers. New characters, intrigues and dangerous events.
– Why so? – I ask when a strange idea for a plot twist comes to mind.
Then Sanixi flexes her spine on the desk and brings inspiration. Sometimes she unlocks the confidence to write and not wonder what will happen in the next chapter. On her back, I continue in history, delighted and curious about what will happen next. Other times
she turns her fox tail into Heron wings and carries me higher to get a better perspective, a bigger picture.
– Come on – she whispers. – Look how cool it is.
Sometimes, years later, I return to the books I wrote. I catch unexpectedly a deeper meaning of sentences that were created earlier. I’m taking them on another level. This is due to the processes experienced, the wisdom discovered that appeared over time. Right after the book was released.
– Did you know? – I ask surprised rapé and she just squints her eyes satisfied.
I feel like I’m just a scribe. This is Sanixi and her friends from the Amazon tribe who whisper new stories in my ear. They rub against the calves and neck like wild animals and take me to the world of Imagination.
They are the hand of an invisible friend who is always there. Sometimes they take the form of an old woman who smacks her toothless lips to laugh at my fears. Sometimes they are the Beauty that brings Fire, thanks to which I bravely break down the door that has always been open. Other times, they help me to face sadness and heavy emotions by putting a warm blanket on my shoulders.
When I open a bottle of rapé, my fingers shiver. I warm her in my hands to awaken her Spirit. So much magic in such an inconspicuous form.
Recently my husband had a dream.
– I saw you in it, capping a bottle of rapé. Blue light was pouring out of it.
—Why so?- I was concerned. And you
answered calmly and confidently: – It’s meant to be.
Dora Rosłońska