A variety of color, fragrance, composition, density and properties – each of the incense rapé blends has its own personality. This is due to the fact that rapés are born indifferent places of the world and their parents are different plants. And although the grammagein each bottle is meticulously measured, the amount may seem different.
Why is this happening?
When we are preparing medicine bottles for you, we go down to the earth and metic- ulously, like accountants, count the grams of dust you order. With the help of specialized jewelry scales, we measure each rapé incense particle so that there is exactly as much of it as needed. So why, when comparing the contents of two bottles, does one contain more healing dust than the other?
First of all, it’s about the type of bakun, on the basis of which rapé is created. For ex- ample, Putuvi contains different one than Apuxuri, which is based on Moy. The second one has a much darker color and is stronger than the more popular bakun. They also differ in density.
Second, origin matters. Some of the tribes create rapés incense that have dark colour and taste heavier, settling and muddy. They bringing a pleasant feeling of grounding. Other tribes, on the other hand, produce a grayer dust which disappears like the wind. These two elements, Earth and Wind, are all different and bring individual methods of healing. That's why they look dissimilarly when sleeping in the bottles and waiting to go into action.
Third ... it's about the composition again. Some mixes have a heavier dust, such as Copaiba Kuntanawa, which is made from the bark of the Copaiba and Pau Pereira trees. Other rapés, on the other hand, are lighter, because the ephemeral energy of flowers is bubbling inside them, as in White Roses where Yemanja - a white rose, gives the mixture not only aroma but also lightness.
Therefore, due to the variety of ingredients, the dust in each package behaves differ- ently. Sometimes it is more volatile and has more air in it. Other times, due to heavier plants, it is more compact and sinks to the bottom.
Fourth… it's a matter of the elements. Fiery and windy rapés are movement, expres- sion, expansion. They can't sit still, which causes them to spreading in the bottle. Earth and water mixtures stick to the ground, compacting into a homogeneous, har- monious mass.
As you can see, rapé is a living organism, with its temperament, birth history, biolog- ical properties of the ancestors from which it comes. As usual, it gets out of the "glass and eye" control. And that's what we like the most about it.
Dora Rosłońska

Second, origin matters. Some of the tribes create rapés that have dark colour and taste heavier, settling and muddy in contact with our body. They stay in the nostrils stick- ing slightly and bringing a pleasant feeling of grounding. Other tribes, on the other hand, produce a grayer dust which, when blown in, disappears into the nose like the wind. These two elements, Earth and Wind, are all different and bring individual methods of healing. That’s why they look dissimilarly when sleeping in the bottles and waiting to go into action.
Third … it’s about the composition again. Some mixes have a heavier dust, such as Copaiba Kuntanawa, which is made from the bark of the Copaiba and Pau Pereira trees. Other rapés, on the other hand, are lighter, because the ephemeral energy of flowers is bubbling inside them, as in White Roses where Yemanja – a white rose, gives the mixture not only aroma but also lightness.
Therefore, due to the variety of ingredients, the dust in each package behaves differ- ently. Sometimes it is more volatile and has more air in it. Other times, due to heavier plants, it is more compact and sinks to the bottom.
Fourth… it’s a matter of the elements. Fiery and windy rapés are movement, expres- sion, expansion. They can’t sit still, which causes them to spreading in the bottle. Earth and water mixtures stick to the ground, compacting into a homogeneous, har- monious mass.
As you can see, rapé is a living organism, with its temperament, birth history, biolog- ical properties of the ancestors from which it comes. As usual, it gets out of the “glass and eye” control. And that’s what we like the most about it.
Dora Rosłońska