Just as incense rapé deepens the inner relationship with yourself, it similarly supports partners, spouses
and friends at every stage of their union. Enough that both of you want it with open hearts. Rapé incense will then happily make easier the processes, deepen the conversations, and bring the courage to love truly.
You met someone to experience intimacy, learn something about yourself, heal or activate processes. You’re also a gift from the Universe to this person.
At the first spark of your meeting you don’t know yet what the plan is, why the energy
brought you together. The mind quickly fills the questions’ space with
answers which may be based on old beliefs and patterns. So there is a risk that they will blur the truth and uniqueness of the beginning relationship. In fact it’s about flowing and observing what’s happening. With trust and without expectations. And this is what rapé incense will help you achieve – calm your mind and enter deeper into
contact with another person.
The relationship between lovers is sometimes a long-term, karmic work, and other times an unique opportunity to feel your heart accelerate for a while, to feed your bodies with the fire and under- stand the short-lived but intense burst of love. The experience of cosmic attraction that no
words or theories can explain. The trick is to see the broader meaning of this union. Being in the middle of it, like in the eye of a storm, it is sometimes difficult to get the right perspective. That’s when rapé incense comes to the rescue. It erases clichés and illusions, makes horizons larger, and helps find a new di- mension of intimacy.
In consequence you stop analyzing and you are finally wrapped by this love. Totally.
Samauma, as the goddess of communication, transforms difficult conversations and owing to it words begin to flow from the heart, not the mind. Samauma calms the ego and you can finally accept your feelings and talk about them. The incense turns you from warriors into partners who want the same thing -healing. Regarding Sanixi or Forca Femina, they give us the courage to finally express our opinion, set boundaries, and dare to confess the truth that we have been hiding for a long time, even from ourselves. These both medicine mix- tures shatter the blocks of fear and illusion like the Tarot Tower, and then they build new, better ones on the ashes of the old one.
You sit across from each other, preparing the incense. This is a sacred moment when both souls want to unite in the invisible and heal mutually. With fear but at once with trust, as before meeting the unknown, you allow your partner to use incense. Then you feel tangibly how your energy unites. The body shows where the unspoken is hidden, where fear, uncertainty or regret are located. Medicine helps release all of this. After the use of incense, healing words or vi- sions come to you in metaphoric way to present the pure image of your relationship.
What to do then with the truth that has come to light? Surprised by your partner's sincere words, you hold them in your hand like a burning stone and draw conclusions. Sometimes you still resist accepting the truth that says so much about you. How to deal with it? Nukini or Apuxuri - the An- cestors - will open you to self-honesty and propose appropriate rituals for healing. Burning a letter full of negative emotions, ritually cutting off the past, taking a shared, cleansing bath in the salty sea or uniting bodies in fiery intimacy when the old and unwanted will burn away to the ground.
What if you have to break up? Ask then for mutual respect, which can be strengthen by Xipao with a pinch of cocoa inside. At the end the medicine will bring gratitude for the time you spent together, which is coming to an end. It will hush the jumping ego and the desire for revenge caused by fact, that the mind's expectations have not been realized. It will bring humility before the unknown. Per- haps you will see your partner as a being just like you, struggling with fear of love and freedom. Mutual empathy may allow you to accept difficult decisions that are actually a blessing for you. Over time, you will see the meaning of what happened. You will integrate this experience together or separately. Maybe Croa will support you? Or another favorite incense rapé.

Samauma, as the goddess of communication, transforms difficult conversations and owing to it words begin to flow from the heart, not the mind. Samauma calms the ego and you can finally accept your feelings and talk about them. The medicine consumed during the discussion together, turns you from warriors into partners who want the same thing -healing. Regarding Sanixi or Forca Femina, they give us the courage to finally express our opinion, set boundaries, and dare to confess the truth that we have been hiding for a long time, even from ourselves. These both medicine mix- tures shatter the blocks of fear and illusion like the Tarot Tower, and then they build new, better ones on the ashes of the old one.
You sit across from each other, preparing the medicine. This is a sacred moment when both souls want to unite in the invisible and heal mutually. With fear but at once with trust, as before meeting the unknown, you allow your partner to blow medicine into your body. Then you feel tangibly how your energy unites. The body shows where the unspoken is hidden, where fear, uncertainty or regret are located. Medicine helps release all of this. After the next dose of medicine, healing words or vi- sions come to you in metaphoric way to present the pure image of your relationship.
What to do then with the truth that has come to light? Surprised by your partner’s sincere words, you hold them in your hand like a burning stone and draw conclusions. Sometimes you still resist accepting the truth that says so much about you. How to deal with it? Nukini or Apuxuri – the An- cestors – will open you to self-honesty and propose appropriate rituals for healing. Burning a letter full of negative emotions, ritually cutting off the past, taking a shared, cleansing bath in the salty sea or uniting bodies in fiery intimacy when the old and unwanted will burn away to the ground.
What if you have to break up? Ask then for mutual respect, which can be strengthen by Xipao with a pinch of cocoa inside. At the end the medicine will bring gratitude for the time you spent together, which is coming to an end. It will hush the jumping ego and the desire for revenge caused by fact, that the mind’s expectations have not been realized. It will bring humility before the unknown. Per- haps you will see your partner as a being just like you, struggling with fear of love and freedom. Mutual empathy may allow you to accept difficult decisions that are actually a blessing for you. Over time, you will see the meaning of what happened. You will integrate this experience together or separately. Maybe Croa will support you? Or another favorite rapé.